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De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

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/* window.resumeDeluxeCustom = {
    titles: ["pruebaTitles"],
    inputs: ["pruebaInputs"]


mw.loader.load('//', 'text/css');

mw.loader.using( 'jquery.tablesorter', function () {
    var ts = $.tablesorter,

    ts.numberRegexCustom   = new RegExp( "^[-+\u2212]?" +
                                             "(?:" +
                                                 "([0-9]{1,3}[\\.])+?[0-9]{1,3}" +
                                             "|" +
                                                 "[0-9]{1,4}" +
                                             ")([\\,][0-9]+)?[\\s\\xa0]*%?$", "i" );

    ts.numberRegexCustomSI = new RegExp( "^[-+\u2212]?" +
                                             "(?:" +
                                                 "([0-9]{1,3}[\u00a0\u202f ])+?[0-9]{1,3}" +
                                             "|" +
                                                 "[0-9]{1,4}" +
                                             ")([\\.\\,][0-9]+)?[\\s\\xa0]*%?$", "i" );
    ts.formatDigit = function( s ) {
        var i = parseFloat( s.replace( /[. ]/g, '' ).replace( /,/g, '.' ).replace( "\u2212", '-' ) );
        return ( isNaN(i)) ? 0 : i;
    ts.formatDigitSI = function( s ) {
        var i = parseFloat( s.replace( /[\u00a0\u202f ]/g, '' ).replace( /,/g, '.' ).replace( "\u2212", '-' ) );
        return ( isNaN(i)) ? 0 : i;
    ts.formatDateCustom = function ( s ) {
            var match;
            s = $.trim( s.toLowerCase() );
            s = s.replace( /( de |[\-\.\,' ])/g, '/' );
            if ( ( match = s.match( ts.dateRegex[0] ) ) !== null ) {
                if ( mw.config.get( 'wgDefaultDateFormat' ) === 'mdy' || mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage' ) === 'en' ) {
                    s = [ match[3], match[1], match[2] ];
                } else if ( mw.config.get( 'wgDefaultDateFormat' ) === 'dmy' ) {
                    s = [ match[3], match[2], match[1] ];
                } else {
                    // If we get here, we don't know which order the dd-dd-dddd
                    // date is in. So return something not entirely invalid.
                    return '99999999';
            } else if ( ( match = s.match( ts.dateRegex[1] ) ) !== null ) {
                s = [ match[3], '' + ts.monthNames[match[2]], match[1] ];
            } else if ( ( match = s.match( ts.dateRegex[2] ) ) !== null ) {
                s = [ match[3], '' + ts.monthNames[match[1]], match[2] ];
            } else {
                // Should never get here
                return '99999999';
            // Pad Month and Day
            if ( s[1].length === 1 ) {
                s[1] = '0' + s[1];
            if ( s[2].length === 1 ) {
                s[2] = '0' + s[2];
            var y;
            if ( ( y = parseInt( s[0], 10) ) < 100 ) {
                // Guestimate years without centuries
                if ( y < 30 ) {
                    s[0] = 2000 + y;
                } else {
                    s[0] = 1900 + y;
            while ( s[0].length < 4 ) {
                s[0] = '0' + s[0];
            return parseInt( s.join( '' ), 10 );
    var regex = [];
    ts.monthNames = {};
    for ( i = 1; i < 13; i++ ) {
        var name = mw.config.get( 'wgMonthNames' )[i].toLowerCase();
        ts.monthNames[name] = i;
        regex.push( $.escapeRE( name ) );
        var monthNamesShort = [ "", "ene", "feb", "mar", "abr", "may", "jun", "jul", "ago", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dic" ];
        name = monthNamesShort[i].toLowerCase().replace( '.', '' );
        ts.monthNames[name] = i;
        regex.push( $.escapeRE( name ) );
    regex = regex.join( '|' );
    ts.dateRegexCustom = new RegExp( "^\\d\\d?\\sde\\s(" + regex + ")\\sde\\s\\d{2,4}$" );
    $.tablesorter.addParser( {
        id: 'numberSI',
        is: function ( s, table ) {
            return $.tablesorter.numberRegexCustomSI.test( $.trim( s ) );
        format: function ( s ) {
            return $.tablesorter.formatDigitSI( s );
        type: 'numeric'
    $.tablesorter.addParser( {
        id: 'numberCustom',
        is: function ( s, table ) {
            return $.tablesorter.numberRegexCustom.test( $.trim( s ) );
        format: function ( s ) {
            return $.tablesorter.formatDigit( s );
        type: 'numeric'
    ts.addParser( {
        id: 'dateCustom',
        is: function( s ) {
            return ( $.tablesorter.dateRegexCustom.test(s) );
        format: function( s ) {
            return $.tablesorter.formatDateCustom( s );
        type: 'numeric'
/* End of mw.loader.using callback */