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Discusión:Iglesia de San Pedro (La Paz)

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Acabo de modificar 1 enlaces externos en Iglesia de San Pedro (La Paz). Por favor tomaos un momento para revisar mi edición. Si tenéis alguna pregunta o necesitáis que el bot ignore los enlaces o toda la página en su conjunto, por favor visitad esta simple guía para ver información adicional. He realizado los siguientes cambios:

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Dear Iglesia de San Pedro,
My name is Eric Sawyer, Our Holy Mother has a message that she would like to relay to you. She wants you to know that she loves you very much and that she is with you. She is aware that you are suffering and she wants you to unburden yourself to her. She wishes to bestow special graces of consolation and peace. She also is asking for you to wait for a ray of light from her Immaculate Heart. In the meantime have full confidence, trust in her Immaculate Heart, and keep Jesus’s love in your heart toward others. She his asking that you go to Our Lady also would like you to contact me because she wishes to assist you further. Please pay special notice to this email.
Mary’s least of the least,
Eric Sawyer
Post Office Box 2135
Wilton, NY 12831
ph: (518) 893-0296
Website: 2603:7081:3F04:CB2A:C9E4:ABB8:FA5E:F034 (discusión) 16:41 15 jul 2023 (UTC)[responder]